Monday, November 26, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Let me ask a question of my Democrat friends: What does John Edwards really believe on Iraq? I mean, really? To pose the question is to answer it: There's no there there.

In the Dem debates, the only fellow who knows what he believes and says it out loud is Dennis Kucinich. Otherwise, all is pandering and calculation."

-- Mark Steyn

1 comment:

  1. I have friends who are registered Democrats who sound very much like you bubba. I am still hanging there with Rudy. However, since all this campaigning began so very early I wouldn't at all be surprised if someone doesn't come in like a white knight on horse back and overwhelm all of those who have jumped the gun to get elected in November 2008. It may be a Republican or Democrat or Independent, but that person will have a very real edge because the voters are really getting sick of the pack and there is still a whole long year to go. BB
