Thursday, May 31, 2007

Illegal immigration, illegitimacy, and our growing U.S. underclass

A social crisis of massive proportions is coming our way.


"Given what psychologists and sociologists now know about the much higher likelihood of social pathology among those who grow up in single-mother households, the Hispanic baby boom is certain to produce more juvenile delinquents, more school failure, more welfare use, and more teen pregnancy in the future."

"To grasp the reality behind those numbers, one need only talk to people working on the front lines of family breakdown. Social workers in Southern California, the national epicenter for illegal Hispanic immigrants and their progeny, are in despair over the epidemic of single parenting. Not only has illegitimacy become perfectly acceptable, they say, but so has the resort to welfare and social services to cope with it."

"The fathers of these illegitimate children are often problematic in even more troubling ways. Social workers report that the impregnators of younger Hispanic women are with some regularity their uncles, not necessarily seen as a bad thing by the mother’s family. Alternatively, the father may be the boyfriend of the girl’s mother, who then continues to stay with the grandmother. Older men seek out young girls in the belief that a virgin cannot get pregnant during her first intercourse, and to avoid sexually transmitted diseases."

"Hispanics now dominate the federal Women, Infants, and Children free food program; Hispanic enrollment grew over 25 percent from 1996 to 2002, while black enrollment dropped 12 percent and white enrollment dropped 6.5 percent. Illegal immigrants can get WIC and other welfare programs for their American-born children. If Congress follows President Bush’s urging and grants amnesty to most of the 11 million illegal aliens in the country today, expect the welfare rolls to skyrocket as the parents themselves become eligible."

"The social-services complex has responded with barely concealed enthusiasm to this new flood of clients. As Hispanic social problems increase, so will the government sector that ministers to them."

"From an intellectual standpoint, this is a fascinating social experiment, one that academicians are—predictably—not attuned to. But the consequences will be more than intellectual: they may severely strain the social fabric. Nevertheless, it is an experiment that we seem destined to see to its end. Tisha Roberts, a supervisor at an Orange County, California, institution that assists children in foster care, has given up hope that the illegitimacy rate will taper off. “It’s going to continue to grow,” she says, “until we can put birth control in the water.”

Coming soon, America......a huge permanent underclass that will dissolve the very basis of our social fabric into useless tatters.

Count on it.


  1. Reads like this are what really piss me off about Bush and his cronies. They have done nothing to deter these low lifes from entering our country and making everyone else pay for the services they use.

    Fine the hell out of any employer caught hiring these illegals and send a damn message it will not be tolerated.

    If America is serious about doing something about illegals, hit them where it hurts: MONEY. Stop letting billions being transferred south. Make it mandatory that a person has to have a valid checking account in order to cash a payroll check and that this bank account can only be used by a legal US citizen. DO NOT GIVE ILLEGALS CREDIT CARDS. And, fry the guys that pay cash.

    Something has to be done now!

  2. Bubba, as a retired psychology person I still keep tabs on what is going on in psy circles and research. The report you quote is correct in that the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is now just about where the Blacks were 30 years ago and growing, leading researchers to point out the similarities so we have a pattern of behavior that may be a model of the destruction of a culture. The break up of Blacks family units, moral values and irresponsible behavior has now lead to the illegitimate birth rate continuing to climb until it has reached 78% today with the resulting dysfunctional Black adults and teens. The Hispanic culture appears to be on this same pathway the Blacks have forged to their detriment.

    And now a new phase of deterioration of Black culture appears to be taking place that has researchers concerned: middle class Black teens rather than following their parents upward climb are reverting to the culture of the streets. Not going backward but jumping to a new area of dysfunction all together. It is felt that the Black Street culture is overwhelming and defeating the moral and ethical values of the older Blacks and creating not a permanent underclass, but a permanent amoral criminal class.

    There is an article in today’s N&R opinion pages that alludes to this and blames rap music for the deterioration. Researchers however aren’t seeing this pattern developing among White teens who are also very much involved with listening to Black rap music. So it is felt something else is operating within the already damaged Black culture. Damage that appears to have begun with the welfare state which allowed Black males to elude responsibility for their off spring. Hispanics too have discovered this same welfare state. In 30 years or so we in the United States may not be faced with a permanent underclass, but a large segment of society (perhaps as much as 40%) lacking all sense of humanity and morality. Scary, huh?

  3. "In 30 years or so we in the United States may not be faced with a permanent underclass, but a large segment of society (perhaps as much as 40%) lacking all sense of humanity and morality. Scary, huh?"

    Scary, indeed.

    Why do we not hear of this issue discussed further in other venues?

    Is it because certain people, for certain reasons generated by certain world view philosophies and agendas, do not find it convenient that this knowledge becomes generally known?

    Might it cause a shift in opinion on the illegal immigration issue?

  4. 'Tis also racist in the extreme Bubba. The permanent lower class is one thing since we have lived with that for a long time with the Blacks, but a permanent criminal class led by the Blacks? that is another thing altogether. Science and research often gets a free pass, but I have even been surprised to see these reports in some of the newsletters I receive. In fact, even the reports that have been coming out in the newspapers criticizing the hip hop and rap music scene is a bit surprising. We have all let it go on unsupervised for so long now. I guess since it was Black women being called “hos” by Black men the White establishment just turned their backs and agreed it was a “family affair”. And the NAACP and other Black groups and politicians were too busy going after White racism. (I still regret Bruce Gordon’s leaving the NAACP. That was a tragedy for the Black people.) BB

  5. "Tis also racist in the extreme Bubba."

    Exactly what are you referring to as "racist"?

    The statistics?

    The opinions of those who deal with the real world problem created by the culture?

    The ones who write about it, and refused to be cowed by "political correctness"?


  6. Here's more from the City Journal on this issue.


    "Just as welfare reform and other policies are helping to shrink America’s underclass by weaning people off such social programs, we are importing a new, foreign-born underclass.

    As famed free-market economist Milton Friedman puts it: 'It’s just obvious that you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.'"

    "Unlike the immigrants of 100 years ago, whose skills reflected or surpassed those of the native workforce at the time, many of today’s arrivals, particularly the more than half who now come from Central and South America, are farmworkers in their home countries who come here with little education or even basic training in blue-collar occupations like carpentry or machinery. (A century ago, farmworkers made up 35 percent of the U.S. labor force, compared with the under 2 percent who produce a surplus of food today.)\

    Nearly two-thirds of Mexican immigrants, for instance, are high school dropouts, and most wind up doing either unskilled factory work or small-scale construction projects, or they work in service industries, where they compete for entry-level jobs against one another, against the adult children of other immigrants, and against native-born high school dropouts."

    "Almost certainly, immigrants’ participation in our social welfare programs will increase over time, because so many are destined to struggle in our workforce. Despite our cherished view of immigrants as rapidly climbing the economic ladder, more and more of the new arrivals and their children face a lifetime of economic disadvantage, because they arrive here with low levels of education and with few work skills—shortcomings not easily overcome."

    "Thus the children of today’s Mexican immigrants are likely to live in a neighborhood where about 60 percent of men dropped out of high school and now do low-wage work, and where less than half of the population speak English fluently, which might explain why high school dropout rates among Americans of Mexican ancestry are two and a half times higher than dropout rates for all other native-born Americans, and why first-generation Mexican Americans do not move up the economic ladder nearly as quickly as the children of other immigrant groups.

    In sharp contrast is the cultural capital transmitted by Asian immigrants to children growing up in predominantly Asian-American neighborhoods. More than 75 percent of Chinese immigrants and 98 percent of South Asian immigrants to the U.S. speak English fluently, while a mid-1990s study of immigrant households in California found that 37 percent of Asian immigrants were college graduates, compared with only 3.4 percent of Mexican immigrants. Thus, even an Asian-American child whose parents are high school dropouts is more likely to grow up in an environment that encourages him to stay in school and learn to speak English well, attributes that will serve him well in the job market. Not surprisingly, several studies have shown that Asian immigrants and their children earn substantially more than Mexican immigrants and their children."

    "We could prompt a great remigration home if, first off, state and local governments in jurisdictions like New York and California would stop using their vast resources to aid illegal immigrants. Second, the federal government can take the tougher approach that it failed to take after the 1986 act. It can require employers to verify Social Security numbers and immigration status before hiring, so that we bar illegals from many jobs. It can deport those caught here. And it can refuse to give those who remain the same benefits as U.S. citizens.

    Such tough measures do work: as a recent Center for Immigration Studies report points out, when the federal government began deporting illegal Muslims after 9/11, many more illegals who knew they were likely to face more scrutiny voluntarily returned home."

    It is not hard to see the problems that the current proposed legislation would create.

    It is also not hard to see what the solutions are.

    A solution to this problem looks NOTHING like what the current alliance of certain businesses and almost all of our national politicians want to see enacted.

    None of these above mentioned people have the guts to face the problem as it needs to be addressed.

    You want to call it "racist"?


    That's your problem.

    I call it dealing with the harsh realities of the the current scenario that we created from the poor judgment used to concoct our last amnesty program over 20 years ago.

  7. Sorry I wasn't more clear about how I feel here Bubba. I don't call it racist, but simply facing the facts and I like you feel our government needs to be more pragmatic about it's solutions. I meant that it was racist in the extreme from the viewpoint of the NAACP, G'boro Blacks surely (the N&R would go ape over these reports!), our liberal friends and sadly our politicians.

    I do however see the emerging problem with Blacks of far more concern than even the immigrant problem for now. WQe need to close our borders tight! But for Blacks we already have prisons and jails full of lower class Black criminals and if the emerging trend continues without some change the middle class younger generation will be joining them. The Black leaders have perhaps waited too long to speak out and still don't see the problem.

    The new immigration legislation is very bad, but I still don't know how in the world we can round up 20 million people and deport them. We need to close our borders! If you could see them they are a joke really. Brenda
