Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Quote of the Day

"Scientists have gotten way too fond of invoking their authority to claim that 'science' dictates their preferred policy solutions and claiming that any disagreement constitutes an attack on science.

But, even assuming that scientists agree on the facts, science can only tell us something about the state of the world. It cannot tell us what policy is the best to adopt.

Scientists' preferences are not 'science.' You cannot go from an 'is' (science) to an 'ought' (policy).

Social science, particularly economics, can tell you something about the likely tradeoffs ...... But it can't tell you which tradeoffs to make."

-- Virginia Postrel


  1. Wow, Al must REALLY be getting under your thick skin!

    12 of your last 13 posts are about the climate crisis. Thanks for all the attention, I'm sure he appreciates all the eyeballs your sending his way.

  2. Guess you didn't like the comment I left at your blog about your pal, huh?

  3. Dunno, since you never left one. I've looked, and there is nothing from you awaiting moderation. Better check your enter key...

  4. It must have melted amidst all that global warming.
