Saturday, June 30, 2007

Cartoon of the Day

..... so say our wise sages who think things like this are all designed to keep us afraid.

Just ask a certain local blogging luminary, who has made his opinion quite clear on this subject.

Meanwhile, let's see what the New YorkTimes had to say about this latest reminder that the ho hum/politics as usual attitude of some folks on this issue is flat out dangerous.

Noteworthy excerpt:

"A multiple choice question for readers: is this latest bomb plot an example of (a) blowback from Iraq, (b) the continuation of al Qaeda’s war against the West, or (c) the continuation of the New York Times’s war against the Bush administration? To ask the new ombudsman of the New York Times, Clark Hoyt, for the correct answer, write to"

1 comment:

  1. Let me take a stab.

    The correct answer is b.)

    Fred Gregpry
