Saturday, October 03, 2009

Tarnish on the saintly wife's halo

Kaus, on the Elizabeth Edwards follies:

"Elizabeth Edwards had to know at least that there was a good chance Young was not the father--and that her husband was. She certainly had known for a long time that her husband had had an affair with the mother, Rielle Hunter. Perhaps she wasn't proceeding with sure knowledge that she was asking Young to lie for her again, but it's hard to see how she wasn't proceeding with at least what libel lawyers call 'reckless disregard for the truth.' ... Did she ask Young if he was really the father before 'demanding'?. ....
Don't expect to read too much of this kind of stuff from the former Edwardsian cheerleaders locally. JR is certainly not going to put ace investigative reporter Lorraine Ahearn on it, and Cone is not going to talk too much about it.

They're going to stay pretty embarrassed about this whole thing for quite a while, until the political climate is right for a John Edwards' "redemption" type of thing.


  1. I tend to be more sympathetic to Elizabeth Edwards. No evidence that she has been unfaithful, for example. If she chooses to underreact to the pecadilloes of her husband, that is her own business. I never liked him.

  2. Ridiculous. You are assuming what you read is true! Do you really think Elizabeth would call Andrew Young to ask him to reiterate his statement about the baby? If that were to happen, why wouldn't John be the one to make that request -- makes no sense at all.

    I don't think John, realistically, has any aspirations about his "political climate."

  3. "Do you really think Elizabeth would call Andrew Young to ask him to reiterate his statement about the baby? If that were to happen, why wouldn't John be the one to make that request -- makes no sense at all."

    Ummm, makes PLENTY of sense when the observer is not blinded by political, social, and economic loyalties.

  4. She admitted that she knew about the affair before his campaign ended. I'm not going to make her out to be the bad guy, but she clearly knew Edwards was lying when he denied the allegations so vehemently. If he had been nominated and then the story broke, she would have been an accomplice in the disaster that the Democrats would have faced.
