Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama and the Nobel prize: "The end of American e:xceptionalism"

"......(T)he Nobel citation declares that Mr. Obama's 'diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.'

Now, the world is a big place, much of it run by despots and crooks, each of whom gets the same vote in the U.N. General Assembly as America. The Europeans are applauding that at long last there is an American President willing to let himself and his country mingle as equals with this amorphous global 'majority.'

The Norwegians are on to something. In a mere nine months, the President has promulgated a vision for the U.S. role in the world that breaks with both Republican and Democratic predecessors. Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, called America the 'indispensable nation' a decade ago. Ronald Reagan called it a 'city on the Hill,' an example to the world.

Mr. Obama sees the U.S. differently, as weaker than it was and the rest of the planet as stronger, and so he calls for a humbler America, at best a first among equals, working primarily through the U.N. The world's challenges, he emphasized yesterday, 'can't be met by any one leader or any one nation.' What this suggests to us—and to the Norwegians—is the end of what has been called 'American exceptionalism.' This is the view that U.S. values have universal application and should be promoted without apology, and defended with military force when necessary."


  1. Many of those "despots and crooks" achieved their office by murdering their opponents. Do we want to fall in step with them?

  2. "Do we want to fall in step with them?"

    "We" don't. But "they' are currently enabled by the power and attitude "they' seem to think is their "right".

    It's well past time that we disabuse them of that notion
