Monday, August 10, 2009

The decline and fall of the Obama brand

This story is getting played out in one form or the other across the nation.

"But Obama's policies are nonetheless having immediate consequences in the campaign as the candidates adjust their strategies to account for the president's controversial domestic agenda, which has overshadowed many state issues.

The president will make his first appearance in the campaign Thursday, when he headlines a fundraiser for R. Creigh Deeds(D) in McLean, in part to try to help the state senator from Bath County win over wavering Democrats such as Cleland. But Obama's entry into the race presents a challenge for Deeds: How does he continue the momentum created by Obama, the first Democratic presidential candidate in more than four decades to carry Virginia, without being saddled with the baggage the president now carries?"
"If politics is about momentum and message, then the outlook for '10 has changed considerably over the past couple of months. Democrats still have a wealth of opportunities and some advantages, but Republicans now have momentum and an improving issue mix. For the first time this cycle, I can imagine a scenario where Democrats do not gain Senate seats in 2010.
I can see a scenario developing where the Dems come close to losing all their advantage in the Senate, particularly as the Chief Thug cum Bungler keeps increasing the opposition among those who were folled into voting for him and his partners in slime last November.


  1. Given that the Democrats have 60 seats in the Senate, I would be very surprised if that is not the high water mark. Historically, it's very hard for either party in this country to sustain a 60-seat majority in the Senate for long. When was the last time Republicans had a 60-seat majority?

    Bubba is always cheerleader for the Republican team, politics being no different from sports. He was predicting that John McCain would win the election until the last days, though most observers saw the defeat coming a month and a half out. Bubba examines daily tracking polls (even this early) in hopes that Obama is going to be a failed president, so his team can "ra ra" win the next game, er election. It's all about political power. To hell with reasoning and working together to try to solve some of the nation's problems.

    It's all just a game...or is it a war against one's fellow citizens?

  2. It's interesting that Bubba seems to view the American people as "wising up" when tracking polls show support for Obama and his policies declining (however momentarily), but the American people were "cretins" when they elected Obama.

    Kind of arrogant and elitist, isn't it?
