"It's hard to know whether President Obama's health-care 'reform' is naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest. Probably all three.Not that facts like those will stop the Blue Bozo Brigade from performing their usual worldview agenda song and dance routine on this subject, as evidenced by the predictable nonsense from Krugman the Klown, who whines about "Bush tax cuts",and Democrat "centrist" senators who are "way out in right field":
The president keeps saying it's imperative to control runaway health spending. He's right. The trouble is that what's being promoted as health-care 'reform' almost certainly won't suppress spending and, quite probably, will do the opposite.
....The one certain consequence of expanding insurance coverage is that it would raise spending. When people have insurance, they use more health services. That's one reason Obama's campaign proposal was estimated to cost $1.2 trillion over a decade (the other reason is that the federal government would pick up some costs now paid by others). Indeed, the higher demand for health care might raise costs across the board, increasing both government spending and private premiums."
"Yet it remains all too possible that health care reform will fail, as it has so many times before.
I’m not that worried about the issue of costs. Yes, the Congressional Budget Office’s preliminary cost estimates for Senate plans were higher than expected, and caused considerable consternation last week. But the fundamental fact is that we can afford universal health insurance — even those high estimates were less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts. Furthermore, Democratic leaders know that they have to pass a health care bill for the sake of their own survival. One way or another, the numbers will be brought in line.
The real risk is that health care reform will be undermined by 'centrist' Democratic senators who either prevent the passage of a bill or insist on watering down key elements of reform. I use scare quotes around 'centrist,' by the way, because if the center means the position held by most Americans, the self-proclaimed centrists are in fact way out in right field."
Too funny, but entirely predictable, and typical of what we've come to expect from the partisan hacks, stooges, and slobbering slugs of the "progressive" gang when things just don't seem to go their way for the cherished agenda item proposals.
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