Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Krugman accuses those who oppse Cap 'n Trade nonsense of 'treason'

Of all the God forsaken stupidity to come from the hand of Paul Krugman this incredibly vapid and childish column ranks as the very worst example of agenda-driven nonsense, from a "Nobel winner", and supposed authority, assuming you believe the babble, dribble, drool, and spew that comes out of the Blue Bozo Brigade.

Read the Klown himself:
"Yet the deniers are choosing, willfully, to ignore that threat, placing future generations of Americans in grave danger, simply because it’s in their political interest to pretend that there’s nothing to worry about. If that’s not betrayal, I don’t know what is."

Because we oppose a huge tax to solve a non-problem? That we refuse to kow tow to the political correctness of an already discredited corruption pf science? That we refuse to further poison our economy and our way of life to support a lie?

This jerk is an academic and intellectual fraud who needs to grow up to realize that his looney toon worldview agenda items are based on propaganda and dishonesty do NOT equate to scientific proof.


  1. "looney toon worldview agenda items are based on propaganda and dishonesty do NOT equate to scientific proof."

    Funny, in a hypocritical sort of way.

  2. What's funny is you apparently don't have a clue about hyperlinks.

    Here's the rundown, pal.

    There is NO empirical scientific evidence that supports "anthropogenic global warming/climate change", or whatever else you chose to label the scam, as the True Believers/Con Artists/Liars would like you to believe.





    And there is no amount of babble, dribble, drool, and spew that can change that fact.

    Deal with it.
