Monday, May 18, 2009

Who's the bigger bozo? Barry O, or Pelosi?

Barry O, for releasing the interrogation tapes in response to Dick Cheney's accurate criticism of the Obamanation's foreign policy disasters?

Or La Pelosi, for her dumb and dumber routine lies about what she knew and when she knew it regarding "enhanced interrogation" techniques?

I'll go with Pelosi, who obviously can't even separate fact from fiction, and probably reallybelieves her lies are not lies, despite the evidence that convicts her.


More details:

"House Minority Leader John Boehner told FOX News on Monday that 'the ball is in the speaker's court.' If she is accusing the CIA of lying, she 'needs to come forward, either present evidence or do an apology, and let's get this behind us.'

'Lying to Congress is a crime. Purposely misleading Congress is a crime. And if the speaker is accusing the intelligence community of lying to her or purposefully misleading her, then she ought to present that evidence, turn it over to the Justice Department, have them prosecute it,' Boehner said.

But Boehner did not call for Pelosi's ouster."

But plenty of others have.

That call should be heeded.

Don't hold your breath.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's gotta be Barry! This guy ruined businesses, put the country in danger with his foreign policy, now is health care plan will kill millions. Way to go Barry the Propeller Head!
