Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today's "Free Speech for Me, But Not for Thee" reminder

How many of you notice the legions of ratty old Saabs, Volvos, Subarus, Priuses, and the like proudly festooned with the owners' ancient political, social, and economic Loony Toon agenda for all to see?

Don't you think the least these Dems/Lefties/"Progressives" could do is scrape off their old, tired worn-out, platitudinous bumper stickers?

Hasn't anyone told them there is so much more up-to-date stuff they can use in an attempt to marginalize those" eeeeeeevil nasty knuckle-dragging racist homophobic misogynist right wing extremists" like you and me?

Ticker has more on why these people don't understand.


"They call for sacrifice but they say that comes through spending more than what we have. That is a completely wrong definition for sacrifice. Sacrifice, for the most part, means to do without, to forfeit, forego, relinquish, yield, something those in Congress and the White House seem not to fathom.

My folks didn’t mind sacrificing, for they had 'a better plan' for their offspring. They sacrificed so that I could receive an education and not have to work thirty-plus years of swing shift work to provide for my family. They saved for the day that their retirement would arrive, knowing that no matter how good the company was that Dad worked for, retirement and Social Security would not be sufficient for them to enjoy what they had worked and sacrificed for.

They instilled that same spirit in their child, and that child has attempted to instill the same in his. I pray that it continues to grow in the grandchildren, but I fear they may not have the opportunity to do the same since they are the ones who will be saddled with this horrific debt that has no end, regardless of what is being touted by those in Washington, DC.

Somewhere along the line, someone failed to instill that spirit into our leaders in Washington. Perhaps it was once there and power and greed has overshadowed common sense. It’s time for them to dig down deep and rediscover that spirit, embrace it, and never let it go until this country is once again on stable ground and not on the precipice of disaster. These leaders need to give up their religion of 'moral therapeutic deism,' stop the self worship, the instant gratification, the thrill of the moment to grab more power. Repentance of such is needed, along with a move back to a solid moralist, self sufficient, self determining and accountable way of living and governing.

Now, hopefully, those who question the purposes of the TEA Parties and ask what the solution is will finally get it. It’s all about living within your means, which often means cutting back, stopping the spending, and saving for tomorrow instead of trying to buy a tomorrow. That is the path to destruction, as those who are calling for an end to such spending know.

If I could offer one Scripture verse to those who believe that we can spend our way out of the decline we are now in, it would be this one, for it is evident that none of them have counted the cost."

Luke 14:28-29:

Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him …


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