Monday, March 02, 2009

Obama's tax policies: Dis-incentives to work

.....which is something we knew already, didn't we?

Here's some first hand testimony:

"Dr. Sharon Poczatek, who runs her own dental practice in Boulder, Colo., said that she too is trying to figure out ways to get out of paying the taxes proposed in Obama’s plan.

'I’ve put thought into how to get under $250,000,' said Poczatek.

'It would mean working fewer days which means having fewer employees, seeing fewer patients and taking time off.

The motivation for a lot of people like me — dentists, entrepreneurs, lawyers – is that the more you work the more money you make,' said Poczatek.

'But if I’m going to be working just to give it back to the government — it’s de-motivating and demoralizing.'

Now that’s going to help us get out of the recession! Punish hard-working professionals and convince them to cut back services for the rest of us. Great thinking Mr. President."

1 comment:

  1. There will be more tax cheats now that his cabinet has shown us the way.
