Monday, March 02, 2009

Obama's budget: More smoke and mirrors

The sheer nonsense isn't particularly difficult to see, as Brian Riedl's analysis shows.

"Remember the President stating his budget 'identified $2 trillion in savings over the next decade?' It actually increases spending by $1 trillion. But he classifies as 'savings' $1.4 trillion in tax increases (apparently savings for the government, not for you) and $1.5 trillion 'saved' in Iraq relative to a fantasy baseline that otherwise assumes current spending levels forever. The Iraq gimmick is the equivalent of a family deciding to 'save' $10,000 by first assuming an expensive vacation and then not taking it."
We will pay a dear price for voting this guy and his congressional cronies into power.

"Hope 'n change", indeed.

We have not yet seen the full extent of the Smoke and Mirrors routine they've got planned for us.


  1. We get what we deserve for electing this trainwreck to office. He's going to make Bush look good.

  2. This is really no change from how budgets have been put together by the government for years.
