Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Think you've had enough of the disatrous economic policy of this Administration?

Guess what?

Even MORE malfeasance is on the way.


"Pigs will fly--to use a metaphor that seems apt under the circumstances--before Barack Obama will do anything to rein in the irresponsibility of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and their accomplices among Congressional Democrats."

These Democrat fools OWN this recession. We will hold them accountable for the incredible damage to the country that is on the way.


  1. Bubba,

    How are we going to hold them accountable?

  2. Speaking of reining in irresponsibility, Kay Hagan spoke:

    “you cannot frivolously spend money that is not yours in the first place.”

    Oh, really? Congress just did to the tune of $1 Trillion. These people are two-faced as they come. Spend trillions of dollars one week, and host a fiscal responsibility summit the next. People like O and Hagan work at making statements like this without smirking when they do.

  3. "How are we going to hold them accountable?"

    By unrelenting criticism of this ongoing folly, and by educating those who were fooled enough to elect these soul-less vampire-ish creeps in the first place, making them see the true consequences of their votes.
