Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden: The political gift that keeps on giving

It won't be too difficult to establish that Joe Biden is a huge negative for the Dems as their VP nominee.

Scott Johnson has some details.

There's other considerations about Biden's financial affairs, as Byron York tells us.

Key point:

"In 1993 Joe Biden, along with fellow senators John Kerry and Bill Bradley, sponsored a campaign finance bill that would have, among other things, sharply limited the influence of political action committees and the practice of bundling. In March of that year, Biden appeared before the Senate Rules Committee to testify on behalf of his proposed reforms. He was openly critical of other bills that would have imposed less severe restrictions. Such moderate measures, Biden said, were 'like moderate chastity. There ain't no such thing.'

Then Biden told the committee about an experience he had in 1972, during his first run for the senate. He was just 29, with a chance to become the second-youngest senator in American history. But he needed some quick cash for campaign ads. Looking for support, he visited a group of rich businessmen.

Biden said they asked him, 'Joe, what's your position on capital gains?' Biden said he knew what to say to get the donations he desperately needed.

'I knew the right answer for $20,000,' Biden said. 'I knew the right answer for $30,000. I knew the right answer for $40,000." But as Biden tells the story, he wouldn't say what the fat cats wanted to hear, and went away with nothing. It was a tough call, one that could have cost him the electi'n. But Biden said he learned an important lesson about 'the manner in which money corrupts."

It might be interesting to hear the young Joe Biden's reaction to a case that would arise twenty-five years later. A top executive of a rich and spendthrift company buys the home of a financially strapped senator, paying a generous price. After that, virtually the entire top management of the company gets together in a coordinated campaign to donate money to the senator, getting around campaign contribution limits. And then, after the senator is re-elected, the company hires the senator's son.

What's the right answer for that?"

With a ticket having one candidate being nothing more than a caricature of a leader, and the other being a big mouth fool with moral and ethical challenges, this presidential campaign has all the earmarks of a disaster in the making for the Democrat Party.

That really breaks my heart......

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