Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More bad news for Obama

A large contingent of Hillary supporters will vote for McCain if Obama gets the nomination.

Key point:

"Still, when almost 3 out of 10 Clinton supporters say they would vote for McCain over Obama, it suggests that divisions are running deep within the Democratic Party. If the fight for the party's nomination were to continue until the Denver convention in late August, the Democratic Party could suffer some damage as it tries to regroup for the November general election."

And, once again, there's more: Condi Rice may be back in the running for McCain's VP, and the thought is making certain Dems/Lefties/"Progressives" nervous.

How do I know this?

Look at their babble, dribble, drool, and spew directed toward the Secretary of State in the link's comments.

(hat tip: Instapundit)


  1. And, once again, there's more: Condi Rice may be back in the running for McCain's VP

    Let's hope not! That would be a sure ticket to the WH for Obama.

  2. hi there..ah yes Hussein NObama's ship is steadily sinking!..:)
