Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Concerned about the upcoming Guilford County school bonds?

Let's see what we can learn from the Wake County experience.


While the WCPSS may use a court of law to contend a group of taxpaying parents don’t have a right to question what they do, we will soon have another chance to show the real meaning of 'taxpayer standing.'

Sometime in the next two years voters will be asked to approve massive new funding for the WCPSS, likely through a combination of higher taxes and bonds."

"Taxpayer standing".......that has a nice ring to it.

With Grier gone, will this FINALLY be the year we tell certain people "no more", despite the demagouging that's sure to be heard?


  1. "certain people?" To whom are you referring?

  2. To start, several current members of the current school board.
