Sunday, June 03, 2007

Understanding the truth about who bears the impact of "political correct" policies

The Enviroquacks and the True Believers never want to tell you about who among us pays the REAL price for their insistence on political correctness.


"The WWF, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network and other multinational activist corporations battle mines in Romania, Peru, Chile, Ghana and Indonesia; electricity projects in Uganda, India and Nepal; biotechnology that could improve farm incomes and reduce malnutrition in Kenya, India, Brazil and the Philippines; and DDT that could slash malaria rates all over Africa, where it kills 3,000 children every day."

"Agitators use global warming and “corporate social responsibility” to force companies to acquiesce to their agendas – and ignore human rights to energy and technology, and people’s desperate cries for a chance to take their rightful places among the Earth’s healthy and prosperous people. They promote little solar panels on huts, but never enough electricity to help communities emerge from poverty and disease."

"Why haven’t the UN and its Human Rights Council spoken out about the institutional racism that is being perpetrated in the name of “saving the planet”? Where are the US civil rights groups, news media and churches? The leaders of these poor countries?"

I'll tell you why they haven't, Mr. Innis.

They are too busy fulfilling their political/social/economic agendas, or too busy filling their pockets with the extorted funds they squeeze out of those who are easily duped, or those who are eager to be complicit.

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