Sunday, May 13, 2007

Alexander Cockburn's latest on "global warming"

Last week, I provided a quote from Alexander Cockburn regarding the lack of empirical evidence supporting anthropogenic CO2 as being the major factor in "global warming".

He's back, with more.


"No response is more predictable than the reflexive squawk of the Greenhouse fearmongers that anyone questioning their claims is in the pay of the energy companies. A second, equally predictable retort contrasts the ever-diminishing number of agnostics to the growing legions of scientists now born again to the "truth" that anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for the earth's warming trend, the melting of the icecaps, the rising of the seas, the increase in hurricanes, the decline in penguin fertility and other horrors too numerous for individual citation."

"As Richard Kerr, Science magazine's man on global warming remarked, 'Climate modelers have been "cheating" for so long it's become almost respectable.'"

The consequence? As with the arms spending spiral powered by the Cold War merchants of fear, vast amounts of money will be uselessly spent on programs that won't work against an enemy that doesn't exist."


  1. That quote from Richard Kerr is almost exactly ten years old,
    and Cockburn seems to miss the point of Kerr's article, which was focused on a new type of computer model (the CSM) that avoided the need for arbitrary adjustments. The headline of the Kerr article says it all:
    "Climate change: Model gets it right -- without fudge factors."

    For Cockburn to take Kerr out of context is blatantly dishonest. But then, many opposed to the science of climate change have no qualms about that.

  2. "But then, many opposed to the science of climate change have no qualms about that."

    "Science of climate change"?

    "Blatently dishonest"?

    WAY too funny!

    Give me a break.

    The "science" doesn't qualify as such under any definition of the application of the scientific method.

    Computer modeling in this area is bogus, and is pre-determined to achieve a desired conclusion.

    That's not science-- that's propaganda.

    There is NO empirical evidence that shows the main dogmatic theme of the "global warming" cult, anthropogenic CO2, is the cause for any current increase in temperatures.


  3. Cockburn's position is the most fearsome and depressing of all. He does not deny warming, just it's roots in human activity. That means that there is essentially no hope, no way that we can effect change of factors that increasingly measure out to spell disaster for much of life on earth---the distressed and disapperaing species, the melting ice caps, the retreating glaciers. I used to pray that 'denialists' were right and we could simply go back to worrying about the small stuff like nuclear proliferation and home repair. Now I pray that this anti-'fearmonger' is dead wrong because then it is entirely out of our control and we are cooked or will be soon.

  4. The alarmists element is wrong.

    Any "global warming" will be FAR less than what some of these want to see.

    In all probability, the actual "global warming" we will experience will be beneficial to humanity.
