Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Israeli Derangement Syndrome at Work

Why are we no longer surprised at nonsense like this?

(hat tip: LGF)

Imagine a world without the blatant anti-Israel bias and anti-semitism that seems to be in vogue among trendy Lefties of all types.

Imagine a world without the Puppetmasters of Jihadistan being able to exploit the world wide political correctness regarding the nature of Israel's existence.

Imagine a world where the longest standing (and until recent times the ONLY) democracy in the middle east gets any respect in its survival struggle against the feudal/oligarchial states that dominate the area, and have sworn to wipe that democracy off the face of the map.

It's a lot like imagining a world without Bush Derangement Syndrome, isn't it?


  1. I don't get it Bubba, why does anyone bother to read this blog? I have gone there a few times since there are so many mentions of it on other blogs, but soon decided I had read all they had to say and have moved on. Am dumbfounded that a blog so grossly uninformed and hateful could attract such a following. BB

  2. The True Believers all think it's great, Brenda.

    Kos thinks he is God......sort of like the national/international version of Ed Cone?
