Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Ft. Hood terrorist: Did he act alone, or was he a Sleeper?

"He was a typical fundamentalist Muslim":
"Major Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped at a mosque led by a radical imam said to be a 'spiritual adviser' to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001."

" 'So many time I talked with him,' said Akhter, a community leader who is sort of like a mosque gadfly, challenging congregants to reject literal, rigid interpretations of Islam. 'I was trying to modernize him. I tried my best. He used to hate America as a whole. He was more anti-American than American.'

Despite all the conversations, Akther said, 'I couldn’t get through to him. He was a typical fundamentalist Muslim.' "

...and this:
"Throughout the Muslim community, there is a battle over legitimacy, authority and identity. Back in Silver Spring, on the day of the debate between the engineer and the doctor over the meaning of jihad, Akhter said that Hasan told him that if he didn’t believe in jihad as warfare, 'Then you are not a Muslim.'
"In the midst of the many conversations he had with Hasan, Akhter stood outside the Muslim Community Center, distributing photocopies of a Washington Post article about an Afghan mother who tried to stop her radicalized son from carrying out a suicide bombing; the bomb exploded in the family’s home, killing the mother, her son and her three other children. In a later email to mosque members, he urged them, 'Let us wake up, and take note of who are potential terrorists, who are fanatics, who are fundamentalists' in the community.' "

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