Monday, June 15, 2009

Regarding the various 'progressive' sanctimonies over 'right wing-inspired violence'

Such obnoxious unction is the ultimate in political and social hypocrisy.

Here's why:

"How -- they ask while glancing furiously at the 'right"'-- did killing become thinkable in America?

Mother Teresa answered their question over a decade ago at a D.C. prayer breakfast that they snored through:

'Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use any violence to get what it wants.…If we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?' "

" 'Every child a wanted child' is a slogan Hitler himself could have devised. Instead, pro-abortion liberals did, and they have been killing 'unwanted' children ever since. They are in no position to lecture 'the right' on America's violence. "

Here's an excellent example of the babble, dribble, drool, and spew we're talking about:

"The Age of Obama has brought both a terrific upswelling of general positivism and a concomitant grand lightening up/toning down of outrageous verbiage and ranting extremism among the hotheaded-dictator set, and with it the strangest thing of all: an apparent global decline in overt, easily identifiable flameballs of tangible evil.

Just look around. The entire reptilian Republican party, our cherished font of evil ideas and evil intentions, is now just a cute, leaderless sideshow of circus freaks, all bluster and tantrum and Sarah Palin's kooky gams. It's quite a spectacle: One of the two major political parties in the United States is now entirely run by a blowhard talk radio cow, an insane Fox News comedian and a crusty bomb-thrower dug up from the vault of 1988 (Hi, Newt!)

And the evil tyrants? Struggling for relevance, mostly. Saddam's long gone, Kim Jong-Il is a batty coot, Iran's Ahmenijhad's bark is far worse than his bite, and even harmless thugs like Castro and Hugo Chavez are stunned to humble reverence by an American president who abides no such childish bulls--t and exudes actual integrity and preternatural calm.

So there you have it. All told, I'm not that worried. This is America, after all. I know we can do it. We have the ingenuity, the imagination. Our megacorporatons and our neoconservative politicians and our gun-wielding sociopaths are famous the world over for innovating new and exciting ways to reek of pure evil.

Hell, we still have Monsanto, ConAgra, Halliburton, Exxon, Archer Daniels Midland, Yum! Brands, Wal-Mart, most of the coal industry, Tyson meats, Fox News and the everpresent Catholic church, plus a few dozen others who will happily stop at nothing to maintain their long-standing evil empires, no matter what that damnable do-gooder president says. Isn't that reassuring?"
Why am I never surprised anymore to read slime like this from yet another bottom feeding, scum sucking dirtball like this clown?

Yet, WE'RE the ones who hate......

(Hat tip: Tom Elia, at The New Editor)


1 comment:

  1. "The Age of Obama has brought both a terrific upswelling of general positivism and a concomitant grand lightening up/toning down of outrageous verbiage and ranting extremism among the hotheaded-dictator set, and with it the strangest thing of all: an apparent global decline in overt, easily identifiable flameballs of tangible evil."

    Dear Lord, what rock are these things hiding under? The Age of Obama has brought and "upswelling" of radical terrorists and rogue countries all over the world including the United States. Under Bush other countries ran their mouth but not one of them actually "challenged" the US.

    Now Russia has gone so far as to challenge the American dollar and if he is followed by other countries we are surely tanked. Missiles we might have a chance against, but if the dollar sinks much more there is no way back. BB
