Key point:
"Even among those who favor the government covering the uninsured, only 47% would still support a public option if it meant their own health costs would rise -- as they inevitably will, until the government is compelled to start rationing.
On that score, 77% were very or somewhat satisfied with the quality of their own care, while 68% were concerned that a public option will restrict their access to treatment. Some 53% were worried about being forced to switch doctors. Merely 43% were willing to pay even $500 in new health taxes -- the costs will be far higher -- and only 28% believed President's Obama rhetoric that a new entitlement will improve the economy.
Results like these are echoed in poll after poll, including a new NBC News-Wall Street Journal survey, and of course all this is common knowledge on Capitol Hill. All that's new is the political repackaging -- which is making an appearance now because liberals know that their health dreams could become deeply unpopular once voters realize what they will mean in practice."
Why is it that all things put forth by the Obamanation and its Tag Team Tank Media PR partners about policy and programs are always full of smoke and mirrors, distortions, half-truths, mis-directions, full of on purpose omissions, or just outright lies?
Why is that?
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