The is NO distortion by Palin regarding what Letterman did, regardless of the desperate deflection, the "yeah, but...." the other fairy tale explanations, irrational rationalizations and outright nonsense these people are putting forth.
(hat tip: Gateway Pundit)
Sarah Palin:
And, then I found out later about the comment that was made about the statutory rape of my 14 year-old daughter Willow knowing that crossed the line and then others chiming in on other comments that Letterman made.
It's a sad commentary of our culture and society to chuckle and laugh through comments that he made the other night.
Matt Lauer:
Since David Letterman is not here let me just say that he did did not mention Willow by name and that he went on to say that he was not referring to your 14 year-old daughter. I do want to...
Sarah Palin:
Hey Matt... Matt... OK Matt I would say that you and anybody else are extremely naive to believe that very convenient excuse of David Letterman's. It took him a couple of days to think of that excuse and 'Uhhh... No, he wasn't talking about my daughter that was there with me at the game, the 14 year-old. He was talking about some other daughter.' Well I think it was a weak excuse and regardless it was a degrading comment about a young woman and I would hope that people would rise up and decide it's not acceptable.
Why do young girls have such low self-esteem in America when we think it's funny for a so-called comedian to get away with making a similar remark as he did...."
I published this comment on my facebook page on June 12.
ReplyDeleteI will probably never watch David Letterman again. His lame excuse on comments about Ms. Palin's daughter, no matter which one, was despicable and was not an apology. His excuse was not enough. He should, as Ms. Palin said, apologize. He should apologize to everyone in the world, not just young girls.
Why would Matt Lauer seem to defend Letterman while talking with Ms. Palin? Politics as usual? Male insensitiveness?
"Politics as usual? Politics as usual? Male insensitiveness?"
ReplyDeleteBoth, plus a juvenile sense of humor, and abject immaturity.And both are conditions he's never put aside as an adult.
Letterman's mind is full of stuff he knows he should never let escape, but occasionally, those things DO escape.
The recent Sarah Palin and daughters bit is one of those things.