Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama's growing legacy: Assault on the truth

Victor Davis Hanson talks about the Obamanation's continuing lack of veracity: Trotskyization, The Big Lie, Outright Historical Dissimulation, and The Half and Less Than Half Truth.


"Why has President Obama developed a general disregard for the truth, in a manner far beyond typical politicians who run one way and govern another, or hide failures and broadcast successes?

First, he has confidence that the media will not be censorious and will simply accept his fiction as fact. A satirist, after all, could not make up anything to match the obsequious journalists who bow to their president, proclaim him a god, and receive sexual-like tingles up their appendages.

Second, Obama is a postmodernist. He believes that all truth is relative, and that assertions gain or lose credibility depending on the race, class, and gender of the speaker. In Obama’s case, his misleading narrative is intended for higher purposes. Thus it is truthful in a way that accurate facts offered by someone of a different, more privileged class and race might not be.

Third, Obama talks more than almost any prior president, weighing in on issues from Stephen Colbert’s haircut, to Sean Hannity’s hostility, to the need to wash our hands. In Obama’s way of thinking, his receptive youthful audiences are proof of his righteousness and wisdom — and empower him to pontificate on matters he knows nothing about.

Finally, our president is a product of a multicultural education: Facts either cannot be ascertained or do not matter, given that the overriding concern is to promote an equality of result among various contending groups. That is best done by inflating the aspirations of those without power, and deflating the 'dominant narratives' of those with it.

The problem in the next four years will be not just that the president of the United States serially does not tell the truth. Instead, the real crisis in our brave new relativist world will be that those who demonstrate that he is untruthful will themselves be accused of lying."

Is there any real doubt of the truth about the Obamanation's lack of veracity, other than the predictable denials and partisan motivated accusations from the hero worshipping Usual Suspect enablers?


  1. I get filled up on a daily basis with Obama lies and criminal behavior as I am trying on my blog to warn people. I simply can not understand how and why he is able to get away with what he is doing? Where are the people who once we could count on to broadcast the truth and keep at it until the population heard? Is it going to be left to a few bloggers like us Bubba? How much and what can we do? BB

  2. Obama does it because he can.
    The liberal media will NOT question him, as they are hand-in-hand with him on his socialist oligarchy venture.
    Obama knows he can count on the media to demonize anyone who dares reveal the truth about his lies.
    Obama thinks he's King of the World and therefore above laws, ethics, morals, or scruples.
    Obama is the Messiah, and thus infallible.

    God help us.

  3. "Is it going to be left to a few bloggers like us Bubba?"

    It is not out of the realm of possibility that the Obamanation Thugs will put US out of business, too......or worse.
