Saturday, June 06, 2009

Is there such a thing as 'common ground' on abortion?

The noted writer and civil libertarian Nat Hentoff thinks so:

"President Obama has reneged on an increasing number of his pledges on taking office - from guaranteeing a transparent, accountable administration to ending CIA 'renditions' of suspects to foreign nations known for torture. Now, however, he has a golden chance to fulfill his often-repeated goal of achieving a 'common ground' in the abortion wars.

Two pro-life Democrats - Congressman Lincoln Davis of Tennessee and Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania - have introduced the Pregnant Women Support Act (HR 2035 in the House, S 2407 in the Senate). As Davis says, 'It's not about pro-life or pro-choice.' It's about 'what we can do to bring a reduction to abortions.' "

Read the whole thing.

Will Obama back away from his pledge?

Is the Pope a Catholic?

Obama's hard line handlers, his Puppetmasters, and their hard core worldview agenda will never allow it.


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