Friday, June 19, 2009

Even Dems have doubts about Obamacare

As rightly they should.

They need to help make this massive and dangerous potential disaster disappear.


"As details have emerged, business groups that had sounded supportive are suddenly openly critical, with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce referring to the Senate health committee blueprint as 'a dangerous proposal' in an e-mail to members.

Insurance companies see an existential threat in Obama’s plan to include an option for government coverage, even though the administration says it is not meant to drive the industry

out of business. But health finance experts believe such a plan would inevitably drain dollars from the private-sector market."

The only reason Business considered supporting this proposal was their anticipation of ridding themselves of company paid benefit employee insurance cost on to the public at large. CFOs and lessoe beancounters alike across the nation were rubbing their hands in glee over the prospects of fattening up the old income statements.

At some point, they woke up to figure out that they were cutting their own throats in the long run. They realized that this Blue Bozos' "reform" of health care would result in the further growth and scope of Obamanation thuggery, plus such action would most certainly put an economic recovery in jeopardy, based up the information contained in the CBO report. And as well we know, it would only be a stepping stone for a complete system of socialized medicine, and the complete elimination of private health insurance.

The evidence of the previous steps in this long-planned implementation of this cherished Libthink agenda item are clear.


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