Number 1: Less access to timely health care, especially by trained specialists
Number 2: Less access to state-of-the-art drugs that are proven to cure serious diseases, like cancer
Number 3: Less access to modern medical technologies that lead to earlier diagnoses, safer treatments, and better outcomes
Number 4: Less access to choice of doctor and choice of treatments for patients and families
Number 5: Less access to choice of health insurance coverage
Number 6: Less access to the leading innovators and innovations in health care
His opening paragraph says it all:
"President Obama and the Democratic Congress repeat a mantra so often that it has become a truism: America's health care system is a scandalous failure, and it is absolutely urgent that we fix it now. The mainstream media nod their agreement, and yet, the polls tell us something else: Eighty percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the quality of their health care. In fact, the overwhelming majority of Americans, about three-fourths, are happy with their current health care coverage. (CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll, March 2009; Gallup poll, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001; Quinnipiac University poll, October 2007)."Read the rest of the details in the link.
Here's the expected Obama pushback.
"The problem for President Obama is that he and his allies want to pass an untested, government-heavy program — but without saying so.
Every bill now being drafted in Congress would establish a 'pay or play'-type choice for employers: Employers must either offer government-approved coverage to workers ('play') or pay a tax to the government instead to partially cover the costs of their premiums for insurance secured through a new 'exchange' system.
For years, Democrats have argued that this construct would ensure that reform 'builds upon' the employer-based insurance system. But, in fact, the Democratic approach to reform would have exactly the opposite effect. Employers would get burdened with new costs and insurance requirements, even as the government used price controls to offer a government-run insurance option with artificially low premiums and provided new subsidies for coverage only for workers getting insurance through the 'exchange.'
That’s a recipe for dismantling job-based insurance. The Lewin Group has estimated that, assuming certain plausible specifications, some 119 million people would end up leaving job-based coverage for a government-run plan as employers opted to 'pay' rather than 'play.'
Faced with incontrovertible evidence that he and his allies have no intention or ability to fulfill their commitment to Americans regarding their current coverage, President Obama decided today at his press conference to try to redefine the promise.
What he meant, he now says, is that the government wouldn’t force people out of their health-care plan. If tens of millions of people get pushed out of their current coverage, it would be because firms chose to drop their insurance plans — never mind the fact that they would do so based on the financial incentives the government put in place."
How utterly predictable this disaster of a president is turning out to be!
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