Monday, May 04, 2009

These Iranians are either incredibly stupid, or incredibly insane

General Ataollah Salehi, general commander of the Iranian army:
"The truth is that Israel does not have the courage to attack us. If we are subjected to any attack by Israel, I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence."
The reality of the situation is that Israel probably wouldn't need more than 11 minutes to reduce the essence of the Iranian government to a radioactive pool of pus.

As I've often said, I think the Israelis will (rightfully) solve the Iranian problem without any help from us. In this Age of American Obamanation, that circumstance becomes a necessity.

Related: Israeli public opinion on relations with the United States.

Key point:
"Only 5% have a 'great deal of confidence' in Obama’s ability 'to make the right decisions' regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (32% have “some” confidence, 37% 'little' or 'very little' confidence).
Imagine that!


1 comment:

  1. In 1967 Jordan, Syria, and Egypt made the mistake of underestimating Israel's military strength.
    Iran would be making a big boo-boo to do the same.
