Saturday, May 23, 2009

The 'moral high ground' and the war on terror

Yes, it IS a war on terror, regardless of what the Obamanation and assorted other delusionaries want you to believe, and no, the "moral high ground", as defined by the babbling/ drooling brigade, is NOT something we're obligated to uphold in a conflict such as this.

David Bueche:

"Would you rather be 'morally pure' and have thousand die in the Library Tower Attack in Los Angeles sometime in 2002, or would you rather inflict a little pain on a hardened mass murderer and prevent this loss of innocent life? Those are the choices - and viewing it any other way is naïve at best, or more likely, cynical, short-sighted and extremely disingenuous......

...If we wake one warm September morning -- as we did just eight years ago -- to see a gaping hole where an American landmark once stood, to see the tortured decisions of people choosing between death by fire or falling, to see victory celebrations in Gaza, Iran and all the other places we've recently apologized or capitulated, this will be seen as an interesting interlude, a brief intermission in a much longer struggle, the shape of which is still just coming in to focus."

1 comment:

  1. No democracy has ever "appeased" it's enemy into submission.
