Friday, April 24, 2009

Rasmussen Poll: Obama's release of CIA memos endangers America's national security

But we (those with their heads screwed on straight) knew that already, didn't we?

Michelle Malkin has some details.


"Oh,, I....uhhhh.....where's the teleprompter?......oh, never mind....":

" 'The president said that given all that’s on the agenda and the pressing issues facing the country, that a backward-looking investigation would not be productive,' a White House official who attended the session said. 'The president was very clear…that he believes it’s important that there’s not a witch hunt.' "

Yeah, right.

How magnanimous



  1. "It is axiomatic that ideas have consequences, a theme being played out by the Obama administration's turning a blind eye to the magnitude of terrorist evil and seeing a rough moral equivalence between beheadings by terrorists and aggressive American interrogation techniques to extract lifesaving information from terrorists. Commentators who believe Obama only released the 'torture memos' to appease his bloodthirsty, Bush-hating, leftist base, which would be bad enough, are missing the point that Obama shares his base's beliefs. Obama is commander in chief, and his guiding foreign policy doctrine is 'peace through weakness.'" --columnist David Limbaugh

    I concur. It's just another opportunity to degrade this country, to destroy our intelligence agencies and to follow the footsteps of another "useful Idiot" by the name of Carter.Only problem the Chief Occupiers agenda will make Carter look like strong on foreign policy.

  2. Don't worry, the CIA will be back. It always comes back.
