Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Earth is suffering through a CO2 famine

.... so says Princeton physicist Will Happer

Key point:
'The increase of CO2 is not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind. Children should not be force-fed propaganda, masquerading as science. '

"Award-winning Princeton University Physicist Dr. Will Happer declared man-made global warming fears 'mistaken' and noted that the Earth was currently in a 'CO2 famine now.' Happer, who has published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers, made his remarks during today’s Environment and Public Works Full Committee Hearing entitled 'Update on the Latest Global Warming Science.'

'Many people don’t realize that over geological time, we’re really in a CO2 famine now. Almost never has CO2 levels been as low as it has been in the Holocene (geologic epoch) - 280 (parts per million - ppm) - that’s unheard of. Most of the time [CO2 levels] have been at least 1000 (ppm) and it’s been quite higher than that,'
...Happer told the Senate Committee. "

Imagine that!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you never see this in the MSM. It is sad that the ecocommunists have pinned their hopes on something like CO2. I mean we actually BREATE it out. Trees use it to live. There is no way you can convince me that CO2 causes anything bad in the environment. It is a key substance for life as we know it.

    I think if you look at that great big ball of fire in the sky you will find the culprit. The ecocommunists are delusional if they think man can overcome the effects of the sun. Heck, if the Earth wobbles in orbit just a bit we could be in an ice age, how are they going to blame mankind for that.
