Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Calling out the insidious race gamers

The recent over-the-top reaction to the N.Y. Post's "chimp" cartoon was, as Rod Dreher puts it, absurd.

Extremely absurd.

It's time to say enough is enough to people like the Simkins PAC, the Pulpit Forum, the enablers of MitchManagement, certain members of our city government, Lorraine Ahearn, John Robinson, and certain members of our local blahgosphere.

Let's set our sights on eradicationg the REAL racism.
But of course the charges of "racism" and endless calls for "dialogue" about race are more about power grabs, money and intimidation than sin. The race industry thrives on empty rhetoric and phantom threats to maintain a position of legitimacy. And the intimidation works, like nothing that has gone before. The pejorative label "racist" is to be feared above all else. Thus universities and corporations feel compelled to fund and house diversity bureaucracies promulgating the absurdity of eliminating racism by attempting to magnify and infuse race as a factor in every human interaction.

Dr. King's dream of a colorblind society based on character content, while vaguely celebrated, would be, if achieved, the diversity industry's worst nightmare.

Real racism camouflages itself in the righteousness of modern liberalism. Clothing itself in virtuous reaction to ancient wrongs, the liberal mind scoffs at the reality evinced in Patrick Moynahan's famous warning of the "dumbing down of deviancy" or as more delicately put by Bush the Younger as the "soft bigotry of low expectations." Assessing objectively the pathologies of culture and destabilizing tendencies, attitudes, and behavior are off-limits. Serious inquiries must take pre-ordained paths or else. (Trivia question: Dr. James Watson - genius who discovered DNA? or idiotic quack?) One thing is clear. Only orthodoxy will be accepted in this realm.

Deplorably, the "real" racism of the racism industry trivializes the evil of actual racism, the ethnic hatred based on skin color, tribe, religion and culture that wreak havoc around the globe. (Especially on the continent of Africa, a fact virtually ignored by complacent self described African-Americans.)

If the race-baiters noticed the horrific destruction of Zimbabwe done by Mugabe, turning the breadbasket of Africa into a desolate wasteland through anti-white policies, it somehow has not engendered the outrage that a city comptroller's use of the word "niggardly" to describe budget policies did on the insensitivity scale. Actual racism fosters poverty, injustice, and war. Fake racism makes headlines.


  1. I hate those calls for "dialogue." It is only a chance for the PC people to try to make themselves look good at the expense of someone who may make sense or even have no intention of racial bias. My view is that it is one of those cop out issues that really serves to mask the ignorance of the race baiter. Unfortunately they never get called on it.

  2. Eric Hoffer understood that there was an advantage to the kind of race hysteria fanned by the grievance industry. Hoffer argued that individualism is a frightening proposition to many. Those who choose freedom and self-reliance must "grope for a purpose in life" and they are often condemned to "eating their hearts out over wasted opportunities." In short, when you're free, there's no one to blame but yourself. Success is built on the more mundane virtues of patience and perseverance. As for the race hustling elites however Hoffer had this to say:

    "Grievance and extravagant hope are meat and drink to their souls, and there is a hero's garment to fit any size, and an imperishable alibi to justify individual failure."

  3. "Grievance and extravagant hope are meat and drink to their souls, and there is a hero's garment to fit any size, and an imperishable alibi to justify individual failure."

    That's an excellent description of what we find in an Ahearn and a John Robinson.

  4. "Unfortunately they never get called on it."

    I think we have an obligation to do so EVERY TIME we hear it.

    I am committed to it.
