Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Revising the Record to Conform to the Current Political Expediency

The Obama campaign decides that a policy position from the recent past is no longer operative.

No big deal, right?

Rich Lowery offers some perspective:

"Obama spokesmen now say everyone knew that President Bush’s troop surge would create more security. This is blatantly false. Obama said in early 2007 that nothing in the surge plan would 'make a significant dent in the sectarian violence,” and the new strategy would 'not prove to be one that changes the dynamics significantly.' He referred to the surge derisively as 'baby-sit(ting) a civil war.'"

And, of course, Obama Rama gets the usual free ride from the Lame Streamers.

As usual, we're not surprised, are we?


  1. Guess he was against it before he was for it but you can bet he will be against it again.
    Lordy , this empty suit has more flip flops than John Kerry!

  2. Anonymous said...Bubba? Is that you?

    Nope, its who it says it is. You got a problem with what I said? Then come out of the closet and speak up boy!
