Friday, April 18, 2008

Now Available! New Relief from ED!


  1. At first I thought you were referring to suffering from Ed.

  2. The Dems are loading up on drugs.
    First there was Oxyclinton, then Tryphorgetin, Of course lets not forget the drug for Obama called Sarcasma. Now we have this cure all for ED. Wonder what they will have to come up with next to keep the Obamazombies and Clintionistia's drugged up enough to vote their way in November.
    It would appear that the Tryphorgitin put out by the DNC to help Dems forget Bill and Hillary's fiasco and many less than , shall we say legal maneuvers is not working. The Oxyclinton lost it's punch and that was the reason for Tryphorgitin. I don't believe this new drug for Hillary will work either. Seems as if the Dems are running out of drug money. The cure, raise taxes and call it a health program for the needy. The needy to be for gitting the Hillary fiasco maybe.
    Now the drug for Obamazombies. Right now it is the LSM overdose that seems to be working. Wonder what is next?

    Oh and Spag, there is no cure for Edidiocy. It's terminal!
