Friday, November 30, 2007

Uncle Orson fisks the intellectual and academic dishonesty of the "Global Warming" industry

Greensboro's very own Orson Scott Card gets to the heart of the entire "Global Warming" charade, as only he can, in a reprint of his notable Rhino Times article.

Key point:

" What matters right here and now is that it is time for the world's scientists to apostatize from the Church of Global Warming. It is a false religion. It is based on lies, and its leading prophets know that it is because they're the ones faking the data or stretching it to ridiculous lengths to pretend that the real world hasn't already ruled against their claims.

It is time for our school systems to stop accepting the gospel of that false religion and start doing their due diligence. Our children should be taught about the demonstrable solar cycles and the whole human-caused Global Warming theory, along with the Hockey Stick Hoax, should be taught only as another example, after Piltdown Man and pre-Copernican theories of planetary movement, of how science can be corrupted when ideology gets ahead of the data.

It is time for us to laugh at the ideologues who try to pretend that any criticism of Global Warming alarmism is idiotic and unscientific. They are the ones who ignore the data; they are the ones who believe on faith alone, without evidence; and, most important, they are the ones who are trying to stifle the opposition without answering it."

Easier said than done.

The True Believers' intentional fallaciousness on this matter runs deep, and is aided and abetted by their handmaidens in the media who, for the most part, accept whatever these people dish out without any critical analysis or fact checking.

(hat tip: Fred Gregory)

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