Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stark apologizes for being a slimeball

It looks like the real possibility of censure convinced him that he couldn't get away with it.

Analysis from Captain Ed:

"Stark may have had to cut a deal for an apology to keep Republicans from successfully censuring him. Five Democrats voted for the measure anyway, and Nancy Pelosi publicly chastised him for the remarks shortly after the S-CHIP debate.

It seems rather sad that 196 members of Congress couldn't bring themselves to follow Pelosi's lead. One wonders what kind of remarks they would find bad enough to bring censure, a rather weak response in any case."

As expected, the Nutroots howl in righteous indignation.


"Could someone please explain how apologizing for speaking the truth to power is supposed to disprove the meme that Democrats are cowering weaklings?"


However, there is apparently no truth to the rumor that Stark has been invited to be a panelist at Converge South 2008.

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