Friday, July 20, 2007

Here's the consequences the "Get Out Of Iraq Now" crowd

.....does not want you to think about.

Read the whole thing. It speaks to the truth of the matter.

Noteworthy excerpts:

"What would the effect be of all this televised carnage and chaos on the United States? Antiwar critics would turn on a dime — disclaiming their prior assertions that our presence ipso facto had been the chief cause of the violence in Iraq.

Instead, when the mass beheadings of female reformers and serial shootings of 'collaborators' appeared on our screens, American and European leftists would almost immediately blame our fickleness for the carnage."

This article from Professor Hanson is a powerful indictment of those who fail to understand neither the complexities of this struggle for cultural survival nor the true costs that we face with this most insidious of enemies.


  1. John Burns , NY Times , appeared on Charlie Rose and said consequences of withdrawal any time soon would be .. well check it out here:

  2. Sorry about that link. Here it is again:

    John Burns on Charlie Rose
