Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Because that's where the enemy is."

Robert Cox provides the answer for why we need to stay in Iraq for as long as it takes to get the job done.

(hat tip: Fred Gregory)


"To my friends on the anti-war left, I ask simply this: If we are not going to fight al Qaeda in Iraq when we know it is there, then where and when do they propose we should fight it?"

The answer is undoubtedly "nowhere".

Remember, according to the Dems/Lefties/"Progressives", the war on terror is nothing but a bumper sticker, and our efforts to fight it are just an excuse to keep us all afraid.

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to see a Democratic solution to the war by Islamic fascists against the rest of the world.
    1) They don't have one.
    2) They're content to watch brave Americans die until they can get in power and end it with an as-yet unrevealed plan.

    I think they're clueless. And dangerous.
