He's no more successful in his career as the Goracle of the Church of the True Believers than he was in his other failed career adventures.
"When Al Gore adopted the voice and dialect of a Black Baptist preacher in the 2000 election, most of us cringed in embarrassment. Looking back, it may have been a moment of true self-discovery. Ever since, Mr. Gore has been morphing into a very secular Old Testament Jeremiah. It has made him rich and famous. His daughter recently picked up his son from the local police station in her 400 horsepower V-8 Maserati. The Gores take care of their own."
"Despite the media-crafted image of the GOP as home to hypocritical religious demagogues, it is the Democratic Party in which more snake oil peddling faith healers find a home, albeit disguised as non-religious in nature. Sadly, the Left's starry-eyed faith in demagogues like Gore, the Clintons, Edwards, John Fraud Kerry, and yes, even Obama (the White Man's Hope for Absolution of Guilt At Last), is destined to be disappointed, time and time again."
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