Do what my old home state of Virginia does to its citizens.
Eric Peters has details.
"Unlike standard traffic fines, which are at least subject to a judge's discretion, the new 'civil remedial fees' are completely non-negotiable. Fail to pay and the hounds of the state (and debt collectors) will pursue you to the ends of the earth. Plus your license will be suspended or revoked until such time as you "stand and deliver" -- as stage coach robbers once so nicely put it.
That phrase is particularly apt since the 'civil remedial fines' were passed precisely to fund highway projects and maintenance. Its chief sponsor, Del. David B. Albo (R-Fairfax) says, 'Hey, roads cost money -- and there's no road fairy.'
"In essence, the state grows ever more hard-hearted toward relatively trivial offenses that almost never involve either violence against individuals or even against property -- while at the same time it becomes ever more blithe toward real crime and real criminals.
It is a loathsome state of affairs. And when it's done for the most cynical of reasons (to raise revenue to fund state projects) and in the most cowardly manner imaginable (by state lawmakers too timid to fund needed projects via normal budgetary means) with the effect being a vicious and disproportionate impact upon minor transgressors -- it is the very definition of tyranny."
How innovative!
"Civil Remedial Fees".
Just business as usual to the tax/spend bureaucratic mindset.
Watch for this idea to spread to bureaucratic mindsets everywhere......including Greensboro and Guilford County.
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