Friday, June 08, 2007

Bush's victory means the effective end of the Kyoto nonsense

....and it's a setback of great weight to the cause of the faithful at the Church of the True Believers.


"Under the vaunted Kyoto, from 2000 to 2004, Europe managed to increase its emissions by 2.3 percentage points over 1995 to 2000. Only two countries are on track to meet targets. There's rampant cheating, and endless stories of how select players are self-enriching off the government "market" in C02 credits.

Meanwhile, in the U.S., under the president's oh-so-unserious plan, U.S. emissions from 2000 to 2004 were eight percentage points lower than in the prior period."

Imagine that!

Here's the finish:

"Will congressional Democrats prove as pragmatic?

Even as Europeans have wised up, the left has been pushing for a Kyoto here. Should Democrats start to stumble on the difficulties, they could always ask Mr. Bush--that new international climate ambassador--for some advice."

The entrenched theology behind the "global warming" thought control and its rituals may be a bit too embedded in the for the Dems/Lefties/"Progressives"/True Believers to just come to their senses about their folly.

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