Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I think the authorities need to dig a little deeper

.....into this story. There's more here than meets the eye.

Might this just possibly be an effort to discredit and embarrass The Rhino, and has nothing to do with the KKK?

Might not this just be payback for the Bledsoe series on Wray and the GPD?


  1. John and Willy think it's being done by the KKK.

    Similar trick pulled in Raleigh.

  2. These flyers have been distributed in this manner for over four years, well before the Bledsoe connection. This is a common tactic used by the KKK throughout the US.
    Five Separate incidents in this one link- http://www.newporttennessee.net/news.html

    google KKK flyers and you get hundreds of similar incidents. No Conspiracy this time.
