Saturday, April 07, 2007

When will we see Pelosi "frog marched" out to face charges?

She committed a felony when she met with the Syrian dictator.

She violated the Logan Act when she conducted foreign policy in defiance of the Bush Administration.


"Indeed, the offense is greater when the usurpation of the president's "constitutional authority is done by a member of the legislature--all the more so by a Speaker of the House--because it violates not just statutory law but constitutes a usurpation of the powers of a separate branch and a breach of the oath of office Ms. Pelosi took to support the Constitution."

It's part of the ongoing effort the Dems are undertaking to undercut the President, and to make sure we are defeated in our efforts to destroy terrorism and thwart the efforts of the terrorists' Puppetmasters.

Key point:

"So this is Democratic foreign policy: Assure our enemies that they can ignore a President who still has 21 months to serve; and wash their hands of Baghdad and of their own guilt for voting to let Mr. Bush go to war. No doubt Democrats think the President's low job approval, and public unhappiness with the war, gives them a kind of political immunity. But we wonder.

Once we leave Iraq, America's enemies will still reside in the Mideast; and they will be stronger if we leave behind a failed government and bloodbath in Iraq. Mr. Bush's successor will have to contain the damage, and that person could even be a Democrat. But by reverting to their Vietnam message of retreat and by blaming Mr. Bush for all the world's ills, Democrats on Capitol Hill may once again convince voters that they can't be trusted with the White House in a dangerous world."

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