Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nine Facts about Global Warming

....from the Lavoisier Group.

(hat tip: Fred Gregory)

These facts are particularly important when considering the usual nonsense from the True Believers on some blogs' golbal warming threads.

1. Climate change is a constant. The Vostok Ice Cores show five brief interglacial periods from 415,000 years ago to the present. The Greenland Ice Cores reveal a Minoan Warm Period 1450–1300 BC, a Roman Warm Period 250–0 BC, the Mediaeval Warm Period 800–1100AD, the Little Ice Age and the late 20th Century Warm Period 1900–2010 AD.

2. Carbon dioxide is necessary for all life on earth and increasing atmospheric concentrations are beneficial to plant growth, particularly in arid conditions. Because the radiation properties of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are already saturated, increasing atmospheric concentrations beyond current levels will have no discernible effect on global temperatures.

3. The twentieth century was almost as warm as the centuries of the Mediaeval Warm Period, an era of great achievement in European civilisation. The recent warm period, 1976–2000, appears to have come to an end and astro-physicists who study sunspot behaviour predict that the next 25–50 years could be a cool period similar to the Dalton Minimum of the 1790s-1820s.

4. The evidence linking anthropogenic (man-made) carbon dioxide emissions and current warming is limited to a correlation which holds only for the period 1976 to 2000. Attempts to construct an holistic theory in which atmospheric carbon dioxide controls the radiation balance of the earth, and thus determines average global temperatures, have failed.

5. The anthropogenists claim that the overwhelming majority of scientists are agreed on the anthropogenic carbon dioxide theory of climate control; that the science is settled and the debate is over; and that scientific sceptics are in the pay of the fossil fuel industries and their arguments are thus fatally compromised.

These claims are an expression of hope, not of reality.

6. Anthropogenists such as former US Vice President Al Gore blame anthropogenic emissions of CO2 for high temperatures, droughts, melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels and retreating glaciers, and a decline in the polar bear population. They also blame anthropogenic CO2 for blizzards, unseasonable snow, freezing
weather generally and for hurricanes, cyclones and other extreme weatherevents. There is no evidence at all to justify these assertions.

7. Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide will have negligible impact on the earth’s radiation balance and will promote plant growth everywhere.
There is no need to sequester CO2 in the ground or to subsidise nuclear or other non-carbon based methods of energy production.

8. ‘Tropical’ diseases such as malaria and dengue fever are not related to temperature but to poverty, lack of sanitation and the absence of mosquito control practices.

9. The decarbonisation of the world’s economy would, if attempted, cause huge economic dislocation. Any democratic government which seriously sought to fulfil decarbonisation commitments would lose office. Shutting down coal-fired power stations and replacing them with renewable energy sources such as windmills or solar panels will cause unemployment and economic deprivation.


  1. And before any of you try to slime the Lavoisier Group with nonsense from discredited sources, like Tim Lambert and others, save your breath.

    It won't play here.

    We're wise to your tactics on these things.

  2. The sun is a star, and as such puts out varying degrees of heat/energy. It is not a constant, no star is.
    There is evidence of cyclical climate change on Mars. If I leave my porch light on all night am I responsible for that, too???

  3. Cool blog.

    I've bookmarked it and will come back again.

    Good points on Global Warming. It drives some crazy when people actually think for themselves and won't be shouted down.

    Thanks for providing some interesting info.


  4. Bubba,
    I tried clicking your link to the Lavoisier Group, but it locked up my computer. Tell me more about them.

    Also, when I did a web search on Lavoisier, Tim Lambert's blog came up. Apparently you don't agree with him. I haven't read his blog in detail yet, but I'd be interested in knowing what you think of him.


  5. You want to know about Lambert?

    Let Michael Fumento tell you what you need to know about this guy.

    Lambert is a pathetic individual whose actions do not represent what the blogosphere is supposed to be about.

    aAnd while yes, in a real sense writing in general and blogging specifically can be considered "therapeutic," a keyboard is no substitute for professional therapy and psychotropic medicine."

    Want more?
    Try this.

    Lambert is the type of rocket scientist who knows nothing about everything, including "global warming".

  6. Yea, I bookmarked as well. I don't think that we actually have anything to do with Global warming but we will see in a couple hundreds years perhaps. I have posted some interesting post about this on my greensboro blog though. check it out when you get a chance.

  7. Cool list of facts. I've created a similar list on my own blog. Keep up the good work!
