Friday, March 30, 2007

Giuliani's the Man redux

He's the best choice for fiscal conservatives.

So says Steve Forbes in Opinion Journal this morning.


"Rudy Giuliani can unite the Republican Party and restore our traditional claim as the party of fiscal conservatism. He has already proven he can stand up to liberal special interest groups and achieve tax cuts, even with a Democrat-controlled City Council. That's the kind of leadership we need in Washington. That's the kind of leadership that will inspire the next generation of the Reagan Revolution. And that's why America's Mayor should be America's next president."

It's about leadership.

And no one else who is considered a candidate or potential candidate for the presidency in 08 can match his credentials in this critical area.

Giuliani/Rice in 08.


  1. We need a president who is a "street fighter". We have had elitist and even effeminate presidents since Lyndon Johnson. They haven’t gotten their hands dirty. Giuliani’s a tough New Yorker who doesn’t mind the using a ‘rabbit’ punch when he gets a chance and it will get him what he wants. Today’s news was all about the kind of people he associated with. Crooks were his playmates. Yes! Exactly and that is what will make him able to deal effectively with the crooks in Washington and around the world.

  2. Bubba:

    What's your take on Fred Thompson? Many of the conservative websites are buzzing like crazy about his possible candidacy.

    Some of the polls indicate a real surge in support for Thompson. His voting record in the U. S. Senate seems to be solidly conservative and he does have "star power" as a result of his acting job on the TV series, "Law & Order."

    Wendell Sawyer

  3. Wendell, he might get some traction if he establishes some bona fides with the social conservatives, and maintains the general good will of the rest of the Party.

    I'm not so sure about the talk of Thompson being the new Ronald Reagan, but I'll bet his communications skills are nearly as good.

    If not, I think these social conservatives may well end up backing Giuliani, because it appears he can win in 08 regardless of who the Dems put up.


    The social conservatives are not stupid. They know what might happen if they sit this one out.

    They shudder to think of what a "progressive" Dem president might sanction.

    ANY Republican President would be a FAR better alternative.
