Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Political disaster awaits Dems

Brendan Miniter has the details.


"The risk for Democrats is that the party's current antiwar slide won't stop once it reaches the edge of public support. Instead it may leave the party where Ohio State University political science professor John Mueller is taking the war debate, in opposition not just to the war in Iraq but to the global war on terror."

No question about it.

The voting public is not as stupid and gullible as the Dems need them to be.

Meanwhile, James Taranto describes the gleeful sense of anticipation these Dems have over making sure we lose in Iraq.


"This column has long argued that antiwar ideologues, a group that includes a significant number of elected Democrats, viewed America's defeat in Vietnam as a victory for them--the enemy of my country is my friend and all that. But Schumer is no antiwar ideologue. He voted for the Iraq war. His eagerness for another Vietnam can be explained only as an act of political opportunism."


1 comment:

  1. I am becoming more and more convinced the Democrats are going out of their way to blow 2008. Dear Lord, what a bunch of clowns! BB
