Friday, December 01, 2006

Making college more"affordable"?

David Frum argues that the Democrat plan won't.


"Most industries deliver constantly-improving products at steadily declining real prices. Healthcare and higher education, the two great exceptions to this rule, are also the two most government-subsidized sectors in the U.S. economy.

More subsidy is not the solution to the problem. The subsidy is the problem."

To re-use P.J. O'Rourke's quip on health care: If you think higher education is expensive now, just wait until it's free.


  1. I have been saying and writing this for years. If I only had a dollar for every letter to my congress persons telling them that the government getting involved is the problem I would be able to afford to go to college again. Would you believe my entire education which was mostly gotten before all the student aid BS cost a total of around $7000.? BB

  2. My story is similar to yours, Brenda.

    And I graduated from a small private liberal arts school, the type that are not normally known to be inexpensive.
