Friday, November 17, 2006

Edwards probably figured he could get away with this

Unfortunately for him, Wal Mart got wind of it.

Does anyone really believe the unnamed staffer took it upon his/herself to do this, unaware of the senator's class warfare nonsense about Wal Mart?


  1. Yeah Bubba . There are two Americas . One for rich trial lawyers and the rest of the bourgeo1sie masses. What a douchebag.

  2. Yeah Bubba, I actually DO believe that it was a junior staffer that took the initiative to try and get a PS3 for the senator. It would be a great way for a lower helper to get brownie points so what's so hard to believe about that?

    Do YOU honestly think that Edwards would instruct members of his staff to ignore his previous thoughts about Walmart and go and buy one from there anyway? Even though there are litterally dozens of other outlets you can buy PS3s from? You may not like Edwards but he's not stupid.

  3. "Do YOU honestly think that Edwards would instruct members of his staff to ignore his previous thoughts about Walmart and go and buy one from there anyway?"


    It's not only possible, it's also quite probable.

    It's arrogance, hypocrisy, and an undeserved sense of privilege....the "do as I say, not as I do" complex. Wouldn't be the first time he's done something like this, and I guarantee you it will not be the last. He does not learn from his failures.

    "You may not like Edwards but he's not stupid."

    Nobody said he WAS, Kirk, but he's nowhere near as smart as you and others give him credit for being.

  4. So what's more *probable* here:

    That a staffer overheard a conversation that the Edwards' would like to pick up a hard to get PS3 for their family and so took it upon themselves to try and ingratiate themselves to the senator and his wife by using his name at a local Walmart to try and grab one.


    That Senator Edwards risks being called a hypocrite and an elitist by bloggers like yourself and the MSM, jeopardizes political credibility and gives his enemies more ammo against him by instructing one of his staff to go to the ONE retail chain he knows people will have a problem with and pick up a video game system for his child.

    Yeah, the second one for sure Bubba. Makes perfect sense. I don't know why I didn't see it before.


  5. kirk d.--like most liberals, Edwards believes there's 2 countries out there...his and that of "the little people." He does what he wants when he wants to do it, because he's "above" the normal rules of society because he's "rich" from the millions of $$$ he sucked out of insurance companies in ambulance-chasing lawsuits. Hypocrisy is not concern of his, why should it be? He's a "liberal" and can do no wrong.
    Edwards is an elitist snob, a rich liberal who think's he smarter than everyone else. He treats regular citizens like they're dirt, lower than him, and his smarmy, smirky way of talking down to other people is a good example of how he really feels about "the rest of the people."


    You know Kirk, you remind me of the line in "Catch 22":

    "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."

    I'm just not quite sure which category is appropriate for you.

    Keep on posting, little buddy. I just might take a special interest in your case.

    It's the least I can do to help the less fortunate, obnoxious or otherwise.

  7. More amazing examples of how the two of you see things from an entirely alien point of view.

    "Edwards is an elitist snob, a rich liberal who think's he smarter than everyone else. He treats regular citizens like they're dirt, lower than him, and his smarmy, smirky way of talking down to other people is a good example of how he really feels about "the rest of the people."

    Quite a description of a man who, since his 2004 election bid has done work to help the common man, not turn him away.

    He's spoken at events to try and expand the earned income tax credit, crackdown on predatory lending and raise the capital gains tax. All issues that affect the "common man" that you say he cares so little about.

    In addition he has raised awareness for the poor, attempted to gain support for raising the minimum wage and helped to raise thousands of dollars for Hurricane Katrina relief.

    Sounds like a rich snob bastard to me if there ever was one.

  8. Edwards' real world actions speak louder than the soundbite/picture opportunity phoniness.

    Here are some good examples regarding several of his buzz issues.


    "Senator Edwards talks about the need to provide health care for all, but that didn't stop him from using a clever tax dodge to avoid paying $591,000 into the Medicare system. While making his fortune as a trial lawyer in 1995, he formed what is known as a "subchapter S" corporation, with himself as the sole shareholder.

    Instead of taking his $26.9 million in earnings directly in the following four years, he paid himself a salary of $360,000 a year and took the rest as corporate dividends. Since salary is subject to 2.9% Medicare tax but dividends aren't, that meant he shielded more than 90% of his income. That's not necessarily illegal, but dodging such a large chunk of employment tax skates perilously close to the line. "

    "So when John Kerry and John Edwards say that they want to tax the wealthiest Americans, let's be clear about what they really mean. They want to tax the most productive people at higher marginal rates and close loopholes for corporations, while they themselves dodge taxes by exploiting loopholes they plan to preserve.

    Mr. Edwards is right that there really are two Americas. The people who work for their money and want to keep more of their own paychecks. And wealthy politicians who want to raise taxes on the middle class secure in the knowledge that they won't have to pay."

    Keep posting, Kirk. This is the classic "shooting fish in a barrel" scenario you've blundered into.

    And you're the Fish.

  9. Edwards does whatever profits Edwards. He's never shown any proclivity towards helping the "common man" except to help him to the voting booth and pay him to pull the "straight Democratic" lever.
    Elitist, snob, rich-boy looking for power. That about sums it up.
