Monday, October 16, 2006

Quote of the Day

"I very much doubt, despite the expertise with which the sheep have
been rounded up and set baa-ing, that Showtime at the Foley Bergere
will pay off in November. There are many legitimate reasons for
electors to toss out the Republican Congress, but the notion that
they're a hotbed of gay pedophile enablers is not one of them.

Had Foley dug in and attempted to cling on, his GOP colleagues would
have been all over TV deploring his behavior, calling on him
to step down, expressing outrage, etc. After two or three days,
a few lefties might even have piped up to assail the Republican
theocrat sexual McCarthyites tormenting the poor chap. Had he
actually had sex with congressional pages, affronted gay groups
would have pointed out this was perfectly legal in the relevant
jurisdictions and would have complained ferociously about the
stigmatizing of gay relationships and Democrats would have declared
there should be places for all at the American table, especially
had Foley done a Jim McGreevey and announced that 'my truth is I
am a gay American.'... In the sense that there's any 'child abuse'
going on here, the American people are being treated like children
and abused by the politico-media class."

---Mark Steyn

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